HEAD COACHES in Illinois And Nationally Should Be Forced To Commit To Abstaining From Alcohol In The Presence Of Their Minor Age Players And Their Siblings! (Paul Is A Resident Of Michigan--Hence His Piece Highlights And References The Michigan Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA)--THIS IS A MUST READ!)

At first glance, it may seem silly and to suggest that banning alcohol form professional sports league's well publicized and highly viewed post-championship or playoff clinching locker-room celebrations would actually aid in helping our society prevent and/or delay underage consumption of beer and hard liquor.
Essentially because since the 1950's, we have been unavoidably inundated with all forms of advertising promoting and glorifying alcohol intake--and it SUCCESSFULLY continues unabated today.
But , the more I think about, it makes total TOTAL sense.
Ask yourself the following question: what are we actually saying to our children if WE HAVE to have alcohol present to celebrate a joyous sporting-related achievement occasion?
In my opinion, a pretty sad one indeed.
So, with all that said, I am now prepared to tie the aforementioned subject matter into a meaningful message that we all can relate to on both a local and daily basis. So stay with me please--here we go...
For decades now, self-appointed governing bodies that hover over amateur youth ice hockey both locally and nationally have been holding annual meetings in beautiful resort towns such as Traverse City, Michigan. Yes, I am referring to entities such as our MAHA--the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association. If there are any awe-inspiring ideas that have emanated recently from those party's--I mean "meetings" --they seem to have escaped me.
So I have one to offer up free-of-charge.
Why they haven't thought of nor already implemented the following sensical idea--baffles me.
Require all head coaches to sign an obligatory (mandatory) pledge to abstain from consuming alcohol in front of, or in the presence of the children that they coach. If caught violating--a lifetime coaching ban would ensue.
How could ANYONE argue against that idea?
Personally, I have witnessed many a coach consume one , two or three too many and act very foolish and far more immature than the 10, 11, 12 year-olds they were coaching and supposedly "leading." Especially so, during out-of-town tournaments where hotel stays were required.
Young children in today's "no-consequences-to your-negative behavior" parenting philosophy world have more than enough temptations that they encounter. From synthetic drugs to "huffing" spray-paint fumes, it is all a bit unnerving and overwhelming to the curious mind that does not have the proper frame-of-reference developed to say "no."
Watching their parents and even worse, their coaches get ripped and act stupid is AVOIDABLE.
I leave you these two hopes:
MAHA--what don't you take the first and very mature step and set a real, POSITIVE EXAMPLE by banning alcohol from your next June Traverse City meeting? At the very least--ban the purchase of alcohol made with MONEY taken in from amateur hockey associations that support your fraternity...and ban from serving MAHA for life those willing to be so bold as to violate.
Two, take the next logical, smart and intelligent step and REQUIRE that all head coaches refrain from drinking alcohol when anywhere near their young players--at home or on the road. Again, if said pledge is violated, a lifetime youth coaching ban would ensue.
There, I feel better now.
I would be happy to entertain thoughts to the contrary. Feel free to contact me to do so.
Best of luck.
Paul's delightful children's book "Bonky, a Moose and the Magic Hockey Stick" is available by visiting www.amazon.com --A terrific potential Christmas gift or stocking stuffer for the young hockey-lover in you life...Paul be will reading from the book and delivering a short presentation at the Farmington MI Community Library on December 27th...the public is invited.
Contact Paul on Twitter and Facebook or via his youth hockey consulting company he heads in partnership with CAYH Blog---the name is "PPP" Consulting--Paul's Puck Pathways...
You should follow CAYH Blog on twitter here.
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