You may recall that I have written in the recent past about how ice hockey and jazz music have much in common.
Essentially, both represent unscripted chaos--yet just as much or maybe even more so--incredible unity.
What's cool is that the juxtaposition somehow manages to meld itself into a wondrous result within every game, concert or studio session.
Today, I'd like to hone-a bit more in on the specifics of what I am putting forth. In other words, expand upon my assertion and outline the definitive correlation between not just jazz and high-level ice hockey--but music in general.
You see, the finest music we all enjoy is inarguably a consortium of cool beats replete with balance, rhythm and timing. Coincidentally, the very best individual players ice hockey players and teams--are stocked with the identical qualities. And just as a band must create and commit to a base-line within a song without stifling the individual member's creativity--so must a hockey "team."
The trick is in blending the various talents and skill within the group/team into a consistent commitment to producing high-quality sound/play. In both, as I have discussed throughout the years, it helps tremendously to have fostered genuinely positive relationships amongst the people involved. That is earned via what we commonly refer to as "team-building" exercises and efforts.
One need look no further than the infamous British invasion pop-rock band--The Beatles, as an example. Between 1961 and 1971, The Beatles produced an unbelievable amount of fantastic music and song and as such, are generally recognized as one of the top five bands of all time. Each of the members brought a unique talent into the mix and surely could have launched unmitigated solo success careers. But, a concerted "combined" collaboration enabled an amazing amount of phenomenal music to be produced--and in my opinion, the world is far better off because of it.
Great ice hockey dynasty's are no different. in fact, the parallel road(s) to success are astonishing. Teams such as the 70's Canadians, 80's Islanders and Oilers are prime examples. Each were filled with outstanding individuals that had to commit to competing with the primary goal of "team-accented " vs. selfish "me" type-play in order for the championships to ensue.
Oh, it most certainly helps to have the very best leadership outside of the band or hockey team. The Beatles were flawlessly led and managed by a music industry legend named Brian Epstein. Montreal had Scotty Bowman, New York had Al Arbour and Edmonton Glen Sather.
In closing, I must once again assert that there is an undeniable connection between the very best music we all enjoy and the elite-level athletic play that has existed throughout sporting history. You see, there is something magical that ensues when a group of talented "individuals" make a decision to create a beautiful piece of music "together." Or, when a collection of terrific athletes are determined to unite for a common goal.
No doubt there is a lesson within for all of us.
Simply listening to our favorite music can remind and inspire us to greater heights on the ice.
Very cool indeed.
Best of luck.
Paul Lubanski
CONTACT Paul via: holdfasttodreams@rocketmail.com
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