By Paul T. Lubanski
I have to chuckle when I see three or four adults behind a hockey bench (sometimes five when you include the trainer), regardless of of the level of play, from the NHL on down.
I challenge anyone to provide me with even one reason why a highly paid and supposedly knowledgeable head coach would want or need two, three or four additional coaches on the bench with him/her. Yes, devoid of additional aid, it would translate into changing the forwards, defense, addressing the officials and implementing any line-matching and/or PP and PK strategy--solely on their own. Whoop-de-do.
You see, most of the younger generation may not realize this, but from the early 1920's through much of the introduction of the modern era (1970's), ONE INDIVIDUAL coached the entire NHL contest. That's correct, I said one person. Take a peek back at the old footage: Jack Adams, Billy Reay, Punch Imlach, Toe Blake and even a young Scotty Bowman managed a complete game without two or three assistants constantly chirping in their respective ear's.
Please tell when the game has changed so significantly?
In other words, when did it become so sophisticated that one person could not "coach" their club for an entire game?
I challenge anyone to provide me with even one reason why a highly paid and supposedly knowledgeable head coach would want or need two, three or four additional coaches on the bench with him/her. Yes, devoid of additional aid, it would translate into changing the forwards, defense, addressing the officials and implementing any line-matching and/or PP and PK strategy--solely on their own. Whoop-de-do.
You see, most of the younger generation may not realize this, but from the early 1920's through much of the introduction of the modern era (1970's), ONE INDIVIDUAL coached the entire NHL contest. That's correct, I said one person. Take a peek back at the old footage: Jack Adams, Billy Reay, Punch Imlach, Toe Blake and even a young Scotty Bowman managed a complete game without two or three assistants constantly chirping in their respective ear's.
Please tell when the game has changed so significantly?
In other words, when did it become so sophisticated that one person could not "coach" their club for an entire game?
I'll try and answer my own question with this simple response: it HASN'T. Yes--the game moves a bit faster. Players are larger in stature and generally in superior physical condition. But I would submit to you that beyond a few rule changes--the CORE game remains the same. Defending in your own end is tantamount and doing so will lead to a transition game that can and will generate offensive chances.
Don't get me wrong, it is cool gig if you can secure a coaching job at the Major Junior, collegiate or professional levels. But, I would argue that ownership has lost it's collective minds in many cases by committing the dollars that they do to a head coach, yet surrounding him/her with all these assistants. One handles the PK, one the PP, another specializes in even-strength analysis, another may handle face-offs and still another works the break-outs etc. Kind of funny if ask me, and totally unnecessary.
Oh, and since when does a team at any level require a stop-watch on the bench? If a player is allowed to abuse ice-time privileges to the extent that an actual timing-device has to be present, it is likely time for that player to move on to another club.
And by the way, who exactly receives the blame when a team falters, the co-coaches or the head coach? Or the credit when a team is on-a-roll?
With all that said, I am finally getting around to the reason for my column this week--and it is thus: as a youth coach, your main goal must be to attempt to keep your message as clear and consistently succinct as possible. And to do so, you must be the PRIMARY conduit. Throughout both practice and game-play, it is incumbent upon you must be 100 percent involved. You should design the drills, oversee said drills and make all necessary adjustments both offensively and defensively .
Doing so will serve to make your team more comfortable and thus likely to perform in the manner in which you dictate on a more regular basis. Remember that this is youth hockey for gosh-sakes! DO NOT feel intimidated or pressured into feeling that you need someone else to influence critical game-play related decisions. Of course, I do understand that there are some that may be a bit more prepared than others to take the approach that I have afore-mentioned/outlined. Fine. For those that can admit that they require more time, strive to work your way into a mind-set and ultimately a comfort-zone that allows you to say " I am the boss here and I alone will make all of the crucial decisions."
You see, certain individuals or committees have already determined that you deserve to be the "head-coach."
Hence, it is now up to you to fulfill your defined duties and next game, I'll be looking for you to be situated in the middle of you bench calling out ALL of the shots in as confident and encouraging a manner as possible.
And hopefully the big-time "paid" coaches at the highest of levels will end-up watching and learning from you sometime in the very near future.
You can do it--we all can.
Best of luck.
Paul T. Lubanski
Please visit for more on Paul and his involvement in Life Coaching/Hockey Player-Parent Mentoring)
248 762-6998
Hi Paul,
ReplyDeleteI agree that it is common nowadays to see 3 coaches at least in most of the youth hockey games I have attended and participated in. I personally like it, not because I can't manage the team by myself but rather because it allows me to delegate the lines and then watch the play. I still call the changes if necessary but my assistants are good and I have no problem with that. I will change the lines up and adjust to the game as necessary.
The other aspect is that I can sit and talk with whatever player as necessary when they come on the bench and do more of the active one and one coaching while the rest of the game is underway. This affords me great opportunities.
So for me it is less of can't and more of a flexible solution.
Also, I couldn't run ADM or coach any of my practices without the help of these assistants. it's just no feasible to run 6 concurrent stations or even three on a half sheet without the invaluable help of the assistant coaches. Doesn't make sense to have them on the ice for the practices and in the meetings and not have them on the bench.
In the end I think it is more important to ensure that your assistants are crystal clear about the head coach philosophy and that they make sure to follow the lead. Can't have too many cooks in the kitchen!
Hi Coach,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your response--you absolutely sound like an intelligent, well prepared and involved coach.
The country needs more like you...
That said--I respectfully do not agree with your game-management related response. Again, I feel that you alone should be leading ALL ASPECTS of the game from ("o" to "d") example--is IS/ARE THE major/broad reason(s) why: if you are not watching/concentrating on all facets there-in--then you will not be able to adjust/coach the team in the most effective manner in-between periods. In other words--you should not be taking your eyes off the game to "coach" an individual play/player--I would advise that if you do need to speak directly with one--stand behind the player and keep you eyes on the surface. Or, keep a notebook in your pocket and scribble reminders as the game is played--and address during stoppages or in the room.
Again--to pick-up on and internalize opposing team tendencies/weaknesses (or our weaknesses--is a certain opponent beating our d-pair etc.) that can potentially be exploited--you need to watch/mange/coach 100% of it. And don't forget about an issue that may be infraction-against us-related that you need to have seen in order to address officials' regarding.
In short--strive to handle the game by is far better for all players when the message is "consistent" (shift duration etc.)--coming from a single source--YOU.
PRACTICE IS A different animal--I am in NO WAY suggesting the above approach for work-outs--in that environment--the more help the better--again--assuming you dictate/control. It is your responsibility as HEAD earned the right...take advantage of it.