COACHES: It is my fervent belief that that the more simplistic your approach the vastly superior chance that it will be effective. Hence, today's blog is dedicated to a number of my favorite, personally created and adopted -- coaching acronyms. There is no doubt in my mind that you can direct an entire season in a purposeful and powerful manner by adopting (and passing on/emphasizing to your players) just a few of the messages contained within the acronyms I am offering below.
Good luck and "good coaching" in 2012-2013!
PREP= Purposeful Rituals Executed Playday-- i.e. consuming proper food group(s), securing proper rest etc.
POF=Power of Focus -- collecting and henceforth "releasing" the adrenaline stored within all of us ( by way of learning how to intensely focus our minds-eye) can and will produce extraordinary results.
STUD=SPEED, TOUGHNESS, UNSELFISHNESS, DISCIPLINE--requires no further explanation.
HCD= HEART, COMMITMENT & DESIRE--again, self-explanatory in-nature.
SOS= SUPPORT, OUTNUMBER & SMOTHER--a fantastic "style" of play for your team to aspire to.
MIC= Mid-Ice-Corridor--as in "if we keep the other team out of the middle of the surface in order to stifle their creativity and shooting angles--we likely come out on top!"
BS=BLOCK SHOTS! --(OUR bodies in THEIR shooting lanes tend to frustrate the opposition, not-to-mention help our netminders pitch a few shutouts along-the-way).
POS=POSITION OF STRENGTH--the more we play with our shoulders "squared-up" and facing the other teams side of the surface--the more we are playing from a POS--and that's a good thing. TRUST ME!
HYDRATE= Having Youth Drink Regularly At The Event (GAME)--this is an incredibly critical component as it relates to competing at or near maximum efficiency. Force our players to drink-up or DO NOT let them on the ice. Youngsters (we all) need the fluids to promote peak muscle usage...no compromising on this issue coach!
Best of luck.
Paul Lubanski
CONTACT Paul via: holdfasttodreams@rocketmail.com
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