Unveiling Lubanski's 2011 Universal Coaching Mantra: - Chicago Area Youth Hockey


This blog is dedicated to the discussion of youth hockey organizations, leagues, tournaments, and players in the Chicago area.



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Unveiling Lubanski's 2011 Universal Coaching Mantra:

I thought I would take a break from the teaching aspect of the game in today's blog and offer my thoughts on exactly what I feel youth coaching is all about in this new year 2011.

For what it may be worth, my feelings and opinions have been largely shaped and molded from both my own accumulated years of direct experience and those of my dad and grandfather. Both were outstanding athletes in their era as well as renowned teachers of a number of different sports.

So gleaned from many years of conversations and again with dad and "pa" --as we called granddad--and of course--my multitude of both personal inter-actions with children and their parents--is my afore-referred perspective:

"At the end of the day, parents across the world, regardless of the sport, are seeking a small set of identical and universal goals for their children to have achieved.
After any practice, game of team function, they want their child to arrive home HEALTHIER--both physically and psychologically--and having IMPROVED their play in some identifiable manner."

That is it--as simply put as I am capable. And honestly, I do not think that any of what I have put forth is debatable.

Yes, trust me, it took many years to pare it down to so few words--but I am completely satisfied and content with the brevity of the message.

I hope you are as well.

Best of luck.


I. The very best youth coaches in all sports at all levels give absolutely ALL the credit to their players when the team performs well...and accept ALL the blame when the team does not.

So should you.

II. Coaches: you cannot ALWAYS be expected to coach your best game, but is incumbent upon you to ALWAYS prepare to coach your best game.

III. I believe that becoming a hero and mentor to your players is also in large part--what coaching is all about...I trust you would agree?

Paul Lubanski




1 comment:

  1. Excellant post. Constructive criticism is ok. Down right demeaning is not. Hey we pay for you and I don't want my kid to tell me the coach said we played like >>>>>>>>>>>>>
