COACHES: "Play LIke A S-T-U-D" Can Be An Effective Teaching Tool...Create Your Own - Chicago Area Youth Hockey


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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

COACHES: "Play LIke A S-T-U-D" Can Be An Effective Teaching Tool...Create Your Own

Strive For Consistent, Brief And Easily Understandable Messaging...

Virtually all of the exceptional coaches that I have ever played for been associated with managed to develop clever (yet very simplisticly-oriented) methodology to teach and continuously reinforce their own brand of critical playing-rules.

That is why, in large-part anyway, they rose to greatness.

To that end, today's blog is entitled "Play like a S-T-U-D" because it illustrates my personal attempt to accomplish just as I described above: Conveying to my players what I expect of them in a clear, concise and most importantly--memorable fashion.

Yes, there is a bit more to my "Play like a S-T-U-D" catchphrase than appears on the surface. You see, the S, T, U and D all stand for something very vital as it applies to fashion in which I prefer my team to play.The S stands for speed, the T for toughness, the U for unselfishness and the D represents discipline.

Hence: "Play like a S-T-U-D!"

Of course, I introduce this acronym on day one of pre-season and would consistently use it as a rallying cry before and even during game play. It is even useful when examining and assessing the team's performance in the post-game dressing room. For example, if we did not play satisfactorily I might ask: Did we use our speed when given the opportunity today? Or: Did we compete with toughness and discipline?

The point here is that the frame of reference that my players required to fully understand and relate to my constructive review was implanted beginning the very first day of our season.
In other words, my team totally knew and felt what it meant to "Play like a S-T-U-D!"

Yet even more importantly, exactly why competing as such was paramount to the TEAM'S overall success.

In closing, my fellow coaches, the request that I have for you is to spend some time pondering and ultimately devising your own inspirational-type cathchphrase messages. In doing so, I advise that both you dig down deep and exploit your own creative powers--but again -- to KEEP IT SIMPLE.

Remember, effective communication is best attained via the repetition of words and phrases that easily serve to explain the concept in question. And throughout history, the most renowned coaches, leaders and teachers have adhered to this philosophy...So should you.

Best of luck


Some might argue that "toughness" and "discipline" are mutually exclusive concepts...


It is entirely possible to play with and aggressive "edge" and still be considered a disciplined player.. You see, out-muscling an opponent is a far cry from attempting to injure with crosschecks or slashes to exposed wrists. Or for that matter--becoming an "expert" in unsnapping the opposition cage in order to surprise-punch an opponent in the face and then go hide behind an official--which some Detroit-area coaches have actually taught.

Besides, the cheap and dirty play that results in penalties ends-up hampering the TEAM'S overall chances for success. And that sort of blatant lack of discipline can only be described in one word--SELFISH. There is no room on my team for individuals who consistently compete in this negative fashion and there should definitely not be on your's, either.

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