Teachable Moments - Chicago Area Youth Hockey


This blog is dedicated to the discussion of youth hockey organizations, leagues, tournaments, and players in the Chicago area.



Sunday, September 20, 2015

Teachable Moments

By Paul Lubanski

In my opinion--as a coach--it is incumbent upon you to manufacture and/or leverage as many "teach-able moments" as possible throughout a competitive campaign. This assertion holds and rings true regardless of age or ability level being directed.

Ok, so if you intend to consider embracing the premise/assertion I put forth above then it stands to reason that the following two questions require an answer: 1. How do we define "teach-able moment" and 2.--why is it critical that a coach/leader both identify and take advantage of as many as possible throughout the course of a playing season?

A "teach-able moment" is one where a poignant, profound occurrence fosters an opportunity for a coach/leader to make an indelible/lifelong positive impression on a youngster. For example: A coach is sitting amongst his/her 11 year-old players in the lobby of an arena awaiting clearance to enter a dressing room to prepare for an imminent contest. When, said coach and a myriad of his/her players witness their upcoming opponents haze/bully one of their teammates to the point-of-tears. Need I explain precisely "why" the scenario depicted could and should become a massively positive "teach-able moment?"

With all that said, today I offer-up a simple exercise for coaches (once again: at all skill and age-levels) to potentially employ that will create consistent "teach-able moments" throughout a playing season. And again, the more "teach-able moments" captured and taken full advantage of--THE MORE SUPERIOR COACH YOU BECOME! Wins and losses do NOT solely define your contribution to youth ice hockey--FAR from it.

Here is how it works...

Prior to each youngster departing your supervision post a game, practice or team activity--they are asked and are mandated to offer a brief answer to the following query: "Please give me one (regardless of how small) example of how you contributed to making our team a "better team" today?
You see, I challenge anyone in the coaching-universe to locate and put forth a more cogently applicable "teachable-moment" accented question as it relates to coaching-in-general?


The primary answer should be obvious...within the very-effort and exercise of posing the question and expecting an honest answer--you are forcing the young player to begin to understand that his/her responsibility to "THE TEAM" is paramount within youth team-sports. What a coaching/life lesson! Now that is big-time teaching/coaching/leading.!

By the way, the child's answer could be as elementary as " I focused on hitting-the-net with shots today because doing so helps my goaltender get better."

Wow--I'd love 10 of those answers. Wouldn't you?

Funny thing, on-the-surface, it may seem contradictory to a youngsters' personal improvement/career-climb to concentrate heavily on making his/her team a superior team. When, in reality--the opposite is true.

When a player labors diligently (with the TEAM front-and-center in his/her mind) to improve skills such as passing or a more accurate shooting technique --THOSE EFFORTS are unquestionably going to aid his/her career ascension in the long run!

What a concept.

In closing, securing your team's parents "buy-in" and literal participation is critical. In fact, requiring Mom/Dad/Grand-parent/Guardian to level the identical query immediately post each team function will serve to reinforce the concept. Then, coaches can discuss/compare child/player responses at each subsequent Coach/Parent-Guardian evaluation/goal meeting.


I propose that it should be easy to comprehend that the theme of today's column lierally transcends youth sports. In other words, individual "real-world" success typically hinges upon the ability to
be viewed as an asset to those around you--(family/business). Diligently employing the stategy I have outlined above lays that foundation for your children/young/adults. And, in doing as such my friends--well now--that is what I would deem inspirational, positive and just plain "good coaching!"

Best of luck.

Coach Lubanski

Paul T. Lubanski
Wilderness Xtreme Sports

248 762-6998

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